"There's so little beauty in this world and so much suffering..............

Do you suppose that is what god had in mind? [that is to say if there is a god at all]

Perhaps there is nothing in this universe but ourselves and our thoughts".

(AIDS, genocide, starvation, war)

"Tell me, what is god to you............?

Has he abandoned you?

Is he such a worldly god that he must play at politics and the filth of conspiracy, is he not divine?

Tell me the truth, as if you were face to face with him now".

(Thousands arrested and held incommunicado, the constitution set aside, secret military tribunals)

Judas Patriots
48X48 inches
Mixed media on canvas (detail)

Protecting us from "Runyonism"........... (America's new McCarthyism)

"I stand for the separation of church and state.........

And the reason that I stand for that is the same reason I believe our forefathers did.

It is not there to protect religion from the grasp of government, but to protect government from the grasp of religious fanaticism.

Now, I may be an atheist but that doesn't mean I do not go to church, I do go to church.

The church I go to is the one that emancipated the slaves.

It is the church that gave women the right to vote. It is the church that gave us every freedom we hold dear.

My church is this very chapel of democracy we sit in together and I do not need god to tell me what my moral absolutes are, I need my heart, my brain and this church".

America's dying democracy, globalization [Dehumanization]

"Because at the bottom of all our terrified souls we know that democracy is a sick, sick, dying, decaying political concept writhing in its final pain.

I don't mean the united states is finished as a world power, the united states is the richest and most powerful, the most advanced nation in the world (light years ahead of every one else).............

I don't mean that the communist will take over the world because the communist are deader then we are......

What is finished is the idea that this great country is dedicated to the freedom and flourishing of every individual in it.

It's the individual that is finished.

It's the single, solitary human being that's finished.

It's every single one of you out there that's finished.

Because this is no longer a nation of independent individuals, it's a nation of 300+ million computerized, cellularized, deodorized, whiter than white, blacker than black, steel belted bodies, totally unnecessary as human beings and as replaceable as piston rods.

Well, the time has come to say is dehumanization such a bad word?

Good or bad, thats what is so.

The whole world is becoming humanoid----creatures that look human but aren't.

The whole world, not just us we're just the most advanced so we're getting there first.

The whole worlds people are becoming mass produced, programmed, numbered, insensate things"..........

"The Dead Have No Titles"................

" You were the most powerful country in the world..... that could have been greater still, but you had not the courage to be wise (or brave), only the conviction of your own vanity".

On September 11th 2001, 50+ years of morally reprehensible behavior in the Middle East backfired on the United States of America.......Thousands of americans and citizens of many countries were killed and a pair of the worlds tallest buildings were erased from the earth before our very eyes. "The war of the flea" had finally arrived and the worst was yet to come.


(The paintings of Allen Deddi Merion, coming soon)

Antidote 15